@implementation JubGtkRosterUI
-- initWithClient: (JubChatClient*)client;
+- initWithClient: (JubChatClient*)client_
self = [super init];
contactMap = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init];
chatMap = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init];
presences = [[OFCountedSet alloc] init];
- connection = [client.connection retain];
+ client = [client_ retain];
- [connection addDelegate: self];
- [client.roster addDelegate: self];
+ [client.contactManager addDelegate: self];
builder = gtk_builder_new();
gtk_builder_add_from_file(builder, "data/gtk/roster.ui", NULL);
presence_combo_changed_handler_id =
g_signal_connect(presence_combo, "changed",
- G_CALLBACK(presence_changed), connection);
+ G_CALLBACK(presence_changed), client.connection);
} @catch (id e) {
- (void)dealloc
+ [client.contactManager removeDelegate: self];
[groupMap release];
[contactMap release];
[chatMap release];
[presences release];
- [connection release];
+ [client release];
[super dealloc];
-/* Presence handling */
-- (void)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection
- didReceivePresence: (XMPPPresence*)presence
- if ([presence.type isEqual: @"available"])
- [presences addObject: [presence.from bareJID]];
- else if ([presence.type isEqual: @"unavailable"])
- [presences removeObject: [presence.from bareJID]];
- g_idle_add_block(^{
- gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter(roster_filter);
- });
// FIXME: This needs to move somewhere else
- (JubGtkChatUI*)chatForJID: (XMPPJID*)jid
[XMPPMessage messageWithType: @"chat"];
msg.to = jid;
msg.body = text;
- [connection sendStanza: msg];
+ [client.connection sendStanza: msg];
] autorelease];
return chat;
-- (void)connection: (XMPPConnection*)connection
- didReceiveMessage: (XMPPMessage*)message
+- (void)contact: (XMPPContact*)contact
+ didSendMessage: (XMPPMessage*)message
+ if (message.body == nil || ![message.type isEqual: @"chat"])
+ return;
JubGtkChatUI *chat = [self chatForJID: message.from];
[chat addMessage: message.body
sender: [message.from bareJID]];
GtkTreeIter group_iter, contact_iter;
GtkTreeRowReference *group_ref, *contact_ref;
GtkTreePath *group_path, *contact_path;
- OFMapTable *contactRows =
- [contactMap objectForKey: [item.JID bareJID]];
+ OFString *bareJID = [item.JID bareJID];
+ OFMapTable *contactRows;
+ if (!(contactRows = [contactMap objectForKey: bareJID])) {
+ contactRows = [OFMapTable
+ mapTableWithKeyFunctions: keyFunctions
+ valueFunctions: rowRefFunctions];
+ [contactMap setObject: contactRows
+ forKey: bareJID];
+ }
group_ref = [groupMap valueForKey: group];
if (item.name)
gtk_tree_store_set(roster_model, &contact_iter,
0, [item.name UTF8String],
- 1, [[item.JID bareJID] UTF8String], -1);
+ 1, [bareJID UTF8String], -1);
gtk_tree_store_set(roster_model, &contact_iter,
0, [item.JID.node UTF8String],
- 1, [[item.JID bareJID] UTF8String], -1);
+ 1, [bareJID UTF8String], -1);
contact_path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(
roster_model), &contact_iter);
GtkTreeIter contact_iter, group_iter;
GtkTreePath *contact_path, *group_path;
GtkTreeRowReference *contact_ref, *group_ref;
- OFMapTable *contactRows =
- [contactMap objectForKey: [item.JID bareJID]];
+ OFString *bareJID = [item.JID bareJID];
+ OFMapTable *contactRows = [contactMap objectForKey: bareJID];
contact_ref = [contactRows valueForKey: group];
contact_path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(contact_ref);
+ [contactRows removeValueForKey: group];
+ if([contactRows count] == 0)
+ [contactMap removeObjectForKey: bareJID];
-- (void)rosterWasReceived: (XMPPRoster*)roster_
+- (void)contactManager: (XMPPContactManager*)manager
+ didAddContact: (XMPPContact*)contact
- of_log(@"Handling roster");
- [[roster_ rosterItems] enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:
- ^(OFString *bareJID, XMPPRosterItem *item, BOOL *stop) {
- OFArray *groups;
- OFMapTable *contactRows = [OFMapTable
- mapTableWithKeyFunctions: keyFunctions
- valueFunctions: rowRefFunctions];
- [contactMap setObject: contactRows
- forKey: bareJID];
- if (item.groups != nil)
- groups = item.groups;
- else
- groups = @[@"General"];
+ XMPPRosterItem *rosterItem = contact.rosterItem;
+ OFArray *groups = rosterItem.groups;;
+ if (groups == nil)
+ groups = @[ @"General" ];
- for (OFString *group in groups)
- [self Jub_addRosterItem: item
- group: group];
- }];
+ for (OFString *group in groups)
+ [self Jub_addRosterItem: rosterItem
+ group: group];
-- (void)roster: (XMPPRoster*)roster_
- didReceiveRosterItem: (XMPPRosterItem*)item
+- (void)contactManager: (XMPPContactManager*)manager
+ didRemoveContact: (XMPPContact*)contact
- OFArray *groups;
- XMPPRosterItem *oldItem =
- [roster_.rosterItems objectForKey: [item.JID bareJID]];
+ XMPPRosterItem *rosterItem = contact.rosterItem;
+ OFArray *groups = rosterItem.groups;
- if (oldItem) {
- if (oldItem.groups != nil)
- groups = oldItem.groups;
- else
- groups = @[@"General"];
+ if (groups == nil)
+ groups = @[ @"General" ];
- for (OFString *group in groups)
- [self Jub_removeRosterItem: oldItem
- group: group];
+ for (OFString *group in groups)
+ [self Jub_removeRosterItem: rosterItem
+ group: group];
- [contactMap removeObjectForKey: [item.JID bareJID]];
- }
+- (void)contact: (XMPPContact*)contact
+ willUpdateWithRosterItem: (XMPPRosterItem*)rosterItem;
+ // Remove contact from old set of groups
+ XMPPRosterItem *oldItem = contact.rosterItem;
+ OFArray *groups = oldItem.groups;
- if (![item.subscription isEqual: @"remove"]) {
- OFMapTable *contactRows = [OFMapTable
- mapTableWithKeyFunctions: keyFunctions
- valueFunctions: rowRefFunctions];
+ if (groups == nil)
+ groups = @[ @"General" ];
- [contactMap setObject: contactRows
- forKey: [item.JID bareJID]];
+ for (OFString *group in groups)
+ [self Jub_removeRosterItem: oldItem
+ group: group];
- if (item.groups != nil)
- groups = item.groups;
- else
- groups = @[@"General"];
+ // Add contact to new set of groups
+ groups = rosterItem.groups;
- for (OFString *group in groups)
- [self Jub_addRosterItem: item
- group: group];
- }
+ if (groups == nil)
+ groups = @[ @"General" ];
+ for (OFString *group in groups)
+ [self Jub_addRosterItem: rosterItem
+ group: group];
+- (void)contact: (XMPPContact*)contact
+ didSendPresence: (XMPPPresence*)presence
+ if ([presence.type isEqual: @"available"])
+ [presences addObject: [presence.from bareJID]];
+ else if ([presence.type isEqual: @"unavailable"])
+ [presences removeObject: [presence.from bareJID]];
+ g_idle_add_block(^{
+ gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter(roster_filter);
+ });
-- (void)client: (JubChatClient*)client
+- (void)client: (JubChatClient*)client_
didChangePresence: (XMPPPresence*)presence
OFString *tooltip = @"";